When a customer calls, you stop working and answer the call. You stop the project or the task and take a call. The call lasts a couple minutes, you hang up and spend a minute or two writing down the messaging or e-mailing it to the correct person.
Then what? You spend a few minutes remembering where you were in the task or you start working on the new task from the call. Maybe you remember something else that you were supposed to work on and you start that up. How many valuable minutes did you just lose?
Did you know 60% of your incoming calls are less important than the task they are interrupting? Really! We couldn’t believe it either.
That call just took up a lot more of your time than you were expecting it to and if you are working on a deadline or schedule…well then it really became an inconvenience.
Answer Network’s answering service can let you focus on the tasks and not the calls. Starting at $1.60/day, you can have someone else answer your calls and deliver the messages to you.
Some messages may have an urgent deadline and we can get those e-mailed, texted or even call you immediately. But for the quick questions, let us answer them. Let us tell the solicitors that you aren’t interested so that you can stay focused.
Stay uninterrupted for 2 weeks on us, call 1-800-769-7170.
Tags: business, call, deadline, free trial, live answering, phone answering, work