The never ending to-do list. You can’t keep up with it and you can’t really delegate it all. You have a way to do things and training someone to do the things you need done, would take more time than it would be worth.
Answer Network can’t do it all, we know you do some things better. However, we have mastered one thing. We are the experts at telephone answering. Answering calls is all we do.
Ever in the middle of one of your many to-do items when you get a call, a request, a need. Then you go back to your work and can’t remember what you were in the middle of? We get it. You need a filter.
Meet your filter. Answer Network works as your receptionist. We can call you for the urgent things and just e-mail you later about the little things. It takes 15 minutes to set up and you can change or tell us more whenever you want.
We are flexible and work around what you need. Get started whenever you are ready and get back to your to-do list.